Monday, June 4, 2007

Ride the Light

Dear Blog

Its an amazing time in the Fort of Wayne in the land of Indiana. Here in the Fort Verizon has lit up our TV's and its superb. Its been about two years since they first anounced the Internet and Voice via Fiber Optic Service or FIOS ("fi-oh-ss"). They now have expanded the coverage of the award winning service to include Television. Now I may be biased because I do work for Verizon as a Video Facilities Technician, but I have experience in the industry and the Verizon product line is top-notch. In my time working with Cable and Dish Network, the services are good, but are limited in the capabilities. The demand is for speed and Fiber delivers! The price war with cable and satellite will ensue for sure once the market share begins the shift. The fiber service has had its affect with teh release of TV in markets of California and Texas and more areas are opening all the time. Verizon is making big investments in the future and they've brought it to us with FIOS Internet/Phone/TV.

You can get more information at or calling into 1-888-Say-FIOS


Fetchy said...

I will admit that I am very interested in their fiber packages. Before I would ever consider switching my internet and TV services over, I would need to be able to play with someones service first. Not some demo box that Verizon has in a booth somewhere.

I think a big draw back for me is I want one DVR and no other cable boxes on my other TV's.

Although I hope that this does bring comcasts prices down, they are out of control.

Robert Rouse said...

I would have gone with Verizon, but they were not willing to beat the price I was getting from Comcast - and when you live on a budget, price is what matters most. What I couldn't understand was their unwillingness to bend. Most companies offering new services will bend over backwards to get new customers. Not the checkmarked V.